Believers today have a lot of knowledge but they think they still need more knowledge before they step into what God is calling them to do. In the Old Testament God called Abraham and simply said,” Go”. Abraham had no idea where he was going, but he was obedient and took that step of faith.
It is the same for your calling. God does not tell you to read the bible ten times before you step into your calling. He gives you a heart for something and then says,” Go”.
At the Healing Rooms, we look for people who are drawn to pray for the sick. They take the Training which is basically showing how God has given us the authority to pray for the sick and see them well. (John 14:12Those who believe in me will do what I have been doing). They then take that step of faith and start to pray for people. As they pray we see their gift growing.
It says in James 1:22 (NIV) — 22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
We have to learn to be an apprentice and not so much a student. In other words, you do not learn how to build a house by continuing to read books on it. You learn the basics and then get the experience as you build the house. The disciples asked Jesus how to pray. Jesus didn’t give them a list of instructions, he gave them the Lord’s prayer.
Jesus’ final instructions to us before leaving Earth were to go to all parts of the world and make disciples. Disciples are apprentices not students. Disciples teach others to be disciples, who then, teach others to be disciples.
New believers don’t have to wait, they can go and share their testimony of why they now believe. The going out is ‘living life to the full’ that Jesus talked about in John 10:10.
So, take a step of faith and start to use the gift God has started in you.