God is always wanting us to move forward in our faith. So often it starts with a simple desire to be drawn to serve in an area. For example, you may have a heart for little children, which could lead you to helping in Sunday School which then could lead to you being the Sunday School Teacher and maybe eventually to oversee the Sunday School.

When God starts you in a particular direction, He is intentional. He doesn’t tell you the full plan.   He just starts you. In Psalm 119 it says,” your word is a light unto my path.”   When you take a step in the dark with a lamp, it doesn’t show you the full path, only the next step. Then when you take that step the light shines on the ground and another step becomes visible. And this continues as He grows you. Then one day you look back and see the wonderful path God guided you down and it only took you by steps of faith, one step at a time.

God loves to qualify the unqualified. He called Moses to save His people and what did Moses say? “Who am I.” Then there were the disciples who were fishermen, a zealot and even a tax collector. They became world changes.

What is He calling you to? Could God be giving you a heart and compassion to pray for sick? If He is, I would encourage you to take a step of faith and come to a Training Day at our Healing Rooms. It will help equip you with the faith and authority to pray for the sick and expect them to be healed. It is a life changing day for many.

If this feels right to you, it could be because God has already put it on your heart. It says in Philippians 2:13‘For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.’

You can find the topics we cover, the cost, date and how to register for our Training Day on this website.  https://nanaimohealingrooms.com

As you grow in whatever calling God has given to you, you are reminded to keep it growing for it says in 2 Timothy 1:6 (NLT) “This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you.”

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